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Williamcub Best advice about choosing Mac or PC I ever heard was this: Step 1-figure out which of your techy friends wouldn't mind too much being called by you late at night when your computer isn't working and you are in a panic because you have a deadline. Step 2-buy the brand of computer about which your friend knows the most. Coming from a film editing background I *know* how to edit, it's just the tools I need to master. It should not be that hard. What's finally pushed me over the edge is that the windows codec is broken (I have the worst lemon version of XP you can imagine) so that I can't even see the images for the thousands of hours of video I have recorded with my Canon camera in the premium video editing software available for Windows But I can't replace the codec because Windows thinks it works, so it won't reinstall. Which is too bad because I slaved to learn that bloody commercial editing software that cost a bomb and got quite good at it. But intuitive? No way, Pierre. <a href="http://buysoft.us/product/pb_photoshop_cc_4_dummies_may_2013_1_ed/">buying Photoshop CC For Dummies</a> Launchpad shares much of the design philosophy behind SpringBoard in addition to being a visual ringer. When users download applications to their Macs from the Mac App Store, the Launchpad icon shows a progress bar and jumps once when the download is complete to indicate that the app is ready to use. It gets quietly placed onto the Launchpad for a user to access. Apps can be deleted by clicking and holding, or holding down Control + Option + Command and clicking on the 'x' at the corner of a familiarly wiggling app icon. Note that only the apps that have been installed from the Mac App Store are available for this 'direct deletion' method, other apps must be dragged from the Applications folder to the trash to delete them. web store Microsoft Project 2013: The Missing Manual This is a bogus claim. With over twenty years experience I could write an epistle discounting this comment One early high point for engineers was Britain's Victorian Age when a popular series of books, Lives of engineers, was written by Samuel Miles. "These were biographies of famous engineers who were held up as paragons of virtue and achievement, and as true gentlemen." says Petroski.
2017-02-13 21:47 · Reply · (0)

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